Modern-day Volkswagen vehicles have what is known as an EPC light. For example, you can see a Volkswagen EPC on a Volkswagen Jetta. No matter which new Volkswagen you own or lease, if the EPC light comes on, you need to heed with caution. But before you do-it-yourself, we recommend a professional take a look. There is likely an underlying issue causing the EPC to light up. You can count on Volkswagen North Scottsdale to ensure that the problem is found and a solution is given. Our service center is here to help.
Before we get too ahead of ourselves, let’s explain what the EPC light is on a Volkswagen. EPC stands for Electric Power Control. First, it is essential to note that a Volkswagen EPC light can stand for multiple issues. Thus, we have compiled a list of reasons why your EPC is lighting up in your dashboard:
As you can see, there are multiple reasons why an EPC on a Volkswagen turns on. However, none are to be taken lightly. Although you can still drive short distances in your Volkswagen, we recommend that your Volkswagen does not drive long distances once the EPC light is on. Instead, schedule an appointment with our service department near Cave Creek!
We do not doubt that you can do this on your own, however, it’s important that you keep up with maintenance checkups so the service team can help. Problems can pop up at any time. Therefore, we are here to help. A Volkswagen EPC light reset only covers up what could be a severe underlying issue. Our technicians at Volkswagen North Scottsdale have access to diagnostic equipment that can locate the problem quickly. We also have access to the EPC code Volkswagen provides. Thus, when the EPC light shows on your dashboard, contact us, and do not reset the EPC light yourself. The Volkswagen EPC light will shut off after there is a resolve.
Our skilled technicians at Volkswagen North Scottsdale detect what causes your EPC in your Volkswagen Jetta to come on. We can check the underlying issues on any other Volkswagen that you drive, too. We are confident that we will have you safely back on the road in no time. Feel free to contact us with any questions. Learn more about Volkswagen Jetta Warning Lights!